
Concurrency Programming Guide:术语表

程序 application

A specific style of program that displays a graphical interface to the user.


异步设计法 asynchronous design approach

The principle of organizing an application around blocks of code that can be run concurrently with an application’s main thread or other threads of execution. Asynchronous tasks are started by one thread but actually run on a different thread, taking advantage of additional processor resources to finish their work more quickly.


block object

A C construct for encapsulating inline code and data so that it can be performed later. You use blocks to encapsulate tasks you want to perform, either inline in the current thread or on a separate thread using a dispatch queue. For more information, see Blocks Programming Topics.

一种C结构,用于封装内联代码和数据,以便以后执行。你可以使用block来封装你想执行的任务,可以在当前线程中内联,也可以在一个单独的线程中使用调度队列。了解更多信息,可参阅Blocks Programming Topics

并发操作 concurrent operation

An operation object that does not perform its task in the thread from which its start method was called. A concurrent operation typically sets up its own thread or calls an interface that sets up a separate thread on which to perform the work.


条件 condition

A construct used to synchronize access to a resource. A thread waiting on a condition is not allowed to proceed until another thread explicitly signals the condition.


关键部分 critical section

A portion of code that must be executed by only one thread at a time.


自定义源 custom source

A dispatch source used to process application-defined events. A custom source calls your custom event handler in response to events that your application generates.


描述符 descriptor

An abstract identifier used to access a file, socket, or other system resource.


调度队列 dispatch queue

A Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) structure that you use to execute your application’s tasks. GCD defines dispatch queues for executing tasks either serially or concurrently.


调度源 dispatch source

A Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) data structure that you create to process system-related events.


描述符调度源 descriptor dispatch source

A dispatch source used to process file-related events. A file descriptor source calls your custom event handler either when file data is available for reading or writing or in response to file system changes.


动态共享库 dynamic shared library

A binary executable that is loaded dynamically into an application’s process space rather than linked statically as part of the application binary.



A type of bundle that packages a dynamic shared library with the resources and header files that support that library. For more information, see Framework Programming Guide.

一种捆绑类型,将动态共享库与支持该库的资源和头文件打包。更多信息,可参阅Framework Programming Guide

全局调度队列 global dispatch queue

A dispatch queue provided to your application automatically by Grand Central Dispatch (GCD). You do not have to create global queues yourself or retain or release them. Instead, you retrieve them using the system-provided functions.


Grand Central Dispatch (GCD)

A technology for executing asynchronous tasks concurrently. GCD is available in OS X v10.6 and later and iOS 4.0 and later.

一种用于并发执行异步任务的技术。GCD在OS X v10.6及以后版本和iOS 4.0及以后版本中可用。

输入源 input source

A source of asynchronous events for a thread. Input sources can be port based or manually triggered and must be attached to the thread’s run loop.

一个线程的异步事件的来源。输入源可以是基于端口的,也可以是手动触发的,必须连接到线程的run loop。

可连接线程 joinable thread

A thread whose resources are not reclaimed immediately upon termination. Joinable threads must be explicitly detached or be joined by another thread before the resources can be reclaimed. Joinable threads provide a return value to the thread that joins with them.


库 library

A UNIX feature for monitoring low-level system events. For more information see the kqueue man page.

一个UNIX功能,用于监控低级别的系统事件。更多信息可参阅 kqueue man page。

Mach port dispatch source

A dispatch source used to process events arriving on a Mach port.


主线程 main thread

A special type of thread created when its owning process is created. When the main thread of a program exits, the process ends.


互斥锁 mutex

A lock that provides mutually exclusive access to a shared resource. A mutex lock can be held by only one thread at a time. Attempting to acquire a mutex held by a different thread puts the current thread to sleep until the lock is finally acquired.


Open Computing Language (OpenCL)

A standards-based technology for performing general-purpose computations on a computer’s graphics processor. For more information, see OpenCL Programming Guide for Mac.

一种基于标准的技术,用于在计算机的图形处理器上进行通用计算。更多信息,可参阅OpenCL Programming Guide for Mac

操作对象 operation object

An instance of the NSOperation class. Operation objects wrap the code and data associated with a task into an executable unit.


操作队列 operation queue

An instance of the NSOperationQueue class. Operation queues manage the execution of operation objects.


私有调度队列 private dispatch queue

A dispatch queue that you create, retain, and release explicitly.


进程 process

The runtime instance of an application or program. A process has its own virtual memory space and system resources (including port rights) that are independent of those assigned to other programs. A process always contains at least one thread (the main thread) and may contain any number of additional threads.


进程调度源 process dispatch source

A dispatch source used to handle process-related events. A process source calls your custom event handler in response to changes to the process you specify.


程序 program

A combination of code and resources that can be run to perform some task. Programs need not have a graphical user interface, although graphical applications are also considered programs.


可重入的 reentrant

Code that can be started on a new thread safely while it is already running on another thread.


run loop

An event-processing loop, during which events are received and dispatched to appropriate handlers.


run loop mode

A collection of input sources, timer sources, and run loop observers associated with a particular name. When run in a specific “mode,” a run loop monitors only the sources and observers associated with that mode.

一个输入源、定时器源和run loop观察者的集合,与一个特定的名称相关联。当在一个特定的模式下运行时,一个run loop只监控与该模式相关的源和观察者。

run loop object

An instance of the NSRunLoop class or CFRunLoopRef opaque type. These objects provide the interface for implementing an event-processing loop in a thread.


run loop observer

A recipient of notifications during different phases of a run loop’s execution.

在run loop执行的不同阶段,是通知的接收者。

信号量 semaphore

A protected variable that restricts access to a shared resource. Mutexes and conditions are both different types of semaphore.


信号 signal

A UNIX mechanism for manipulating a process from outside its domain. The system uses signals to deliver important messages to an application, such as whether the application executed an illegal instruction. For more information see the signal man page.

一种UNIX机制,用于从一个进程的域外操纵该进程。系统使用信号向程序传递重要信息,例如程序是否执行了非法指令。更多信息可参阅 signal man page。

信号调度源 signal dispatch source

A dispatch source used to process UNIX signals. A signal source calls your custom event handler whenever the process receives a UNIX signal.


任务 task

A quantity of work to be performed. Although some technologies (most notably Carbon Multiprocessing Services) use this term differently, the preferred usage is as an abstract concept indicating some quantity of work to be performed.


线程 thread

A flow of execution in a process. Each thread has its own stack space but otherwise shares memory with other threads in the same process.


定时器调度源 timer dispatch source

A dispatch source used to process periodic events. A timer source calls your custom event handler at regular, time-based intervals.

